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  • Guests with Disabilities
    We welcome guests with special needs and we want to help make your day a comfortable and memorable one. Please see our Guest Services to see what services are offered.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
    OPEN-TOED shoes are not allowed on certain rides for your safety.
  • Know our height requirements.
    Please measure your child before arriving or at any of our Measure Up measuring charts at our ticket purchase points. Also, we have Measure Up signs posted at each ride stating that rides’ height and seating requirements. Please refer to these signs to Measure Up your children. Height requirements are set by the ride manufacturers for the safety of the patrons. Height Requirements are adhered to For The SAFETY of ALL patrons.
  • Rainy or Inclement Weather.
    For your safety, certain rides may close during severe or inclement weather and reopen as soon as possible. Concessions and games will remain open unless conditions are extremely severe. All wristbands are time-sensitive and non-refundable, and in the case of weather, we do not issue rain checks. Credits, tickets, or Fantasy FunPass never expire and can be used at any of our events. Please check the weather BEFORE Making your purchases, as we cannot control the weather.
    For your Safety, all Fantasy Amusement Company, Inc. rides have height requirements. Some Rides do not allow single riders. All patrons must follow all posted signage and listen to instructions given by the ride operator at all times. This is for the safety of all riders. Remain seated and restrained, and always keep your arms, legs, and head inside the ride. Remove all loose articles, such as sunglasses, cell phones, hats, open-toed shoes, and jewelry that may have the potential to fall off during the ride. We are not responsible for lost articles. Selfie Sticks are NOT allowed on any ride at Any Time. Your Property is YOUR Responsibility. WARNING You may be held legally liable for loss or injury to bystanders caused by flying objects you fail to secure. Please secure all personal property before riding any ride.
    Can be found at Guest Services or Offices during the Festival or Fair. We encourage guests to leave valuables at home and to always secure keys, cell phones, and wallets during the ride.
  • Come prepared for the unexpected.
    Pack sunscreen, an umbrella and appropriate clothing in case the weather suddenly turns wet or unseasonably warm or cool.
  • Please be advised that children under 42 inches may be required to ride some attractions with a paying adult rider for safety.
    All Riders must have a wristband or credits to ride.
  • Please Secure ALL LOOSE ARTICLES
    Keys, cell phones, wallets and other items tend to get lost during rides. We are not responsible for lost or damaged items on our Midway. Ride Operators are Not Responsible for securing or protecting your personal property.
    There is a first aid or medic station at each of our events. Please see Guest Services or a member of our management team to find the nearest location.
  • Lost Children or Parents
    If you become separated from your parents, children or friends during your visit to our Midway, please go to our Guest Services or Midway Office as they are in contact with Police and Security personnel at the Festival or Fair and all Managers on the Midway.
  • WRISTBANDS are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
    Please make certain that you safeguard your wristband, as it cannot be replaced under any circumstances. Tampering with, attempting to remove and reapply will negate the wristband. Wristbands found to be tampered with will NOT be honored, nor replaced. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Enhance your Midway Experience!
    We are committed to giving you the best possible experience on our Midway, but being prepared will help you get the most out of your day!
  • What else do we need to know?
    Your committee is responsible for ADVERTISING, Providing a Location for the event, All necessary licenses or permits and fees associated with the event, Restroom facilities, Ample Dumpster for trash, Ample Security for the event, equipment and grounds, and competent people to care for ride coupon sales and tickets boxes. The beginning of an event can be an overwhelming task initially, but once you’ve done it, well, it really just gets easier and more rewarding each time. You should check with your local civic groups that run the successful events; Lions, Rotarians, Jaycees and local churches. A Festival/Carnival is still the most affordable form of local family fun. A local festival is still a great fundraiser, And the best part is, its close to home!
  • How do we start—?
    Each event is different, but generally, an agreement is entered into between the group and the amusement provider. Usually based on a scale, so that each group would benefit based on income generated from ride ticket sales. For a first time event, its difficult to know what to expect, however location, timing and awareness (Advertising) will play a huge part in the bottom line. No one control the weather, and no matter what date you choose, you will always have the ‘chance’ of inclement weather, so be prepared and have a plan. Things such as Advance Ticket Sales will provide Insurance against the weather to increase the odds in your favor just in case. There are also preventative measures such as ‘weather insurance’ which tends to be costly, but when weighed with the outgo of the possible startup expense, maybe well worth the money spent. Obtaining sponsorships from local businesses can help with the expense of getting an event off the ground and are key to a successful event working together in partnership. You will have to spend money to make money. Remember too, some amusement providers may offer you the moon, the stars and a big signing bonus. First and most important, Do your due diligence by checking all references available. Often times if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Choose your provider carefully, by checking and double checking. The bottom line to a successful event is your patrons need to be treated fairly and that is the key to a strongly attended, year after year event.
  • How much will my group make from the event or how much will the event cost?
    Each event is different, but generally, an agreement is entered into between the group and the amusement provider, usually based on a scale, so that each group would benefit based on income generated from ride ticket sales. For a first-time event, it's challenging to know what to expect; however, location, timing, and awareness (Advertising) will play a massive part in the bottom line. No one controls the weather, and no matter what date you choose, you will always have the ‘chance’ of inclement weather, so be prepared and plan. Things such as Advance Ticket Sales will provide Insurance against the weather to increase the odds in your favor. There are also preventative measures such as ‘weather insurance’, which tends to be costly, but when weighed with the outgo of the possible startup expense, it may be well worth the money spent. Obtaining sponsorships from local businesses can help with the cost of getting an event off the ground and is critical to a successful event working together in partnership. You will have to spend money to make money. Remember, too, that some amusement providers may offer you the moon, the stars, and a big signing bonus. First, do your due diligence by checking all available references. Often, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Choose your provider carefully by checking and double-checking. The bottom line to a successful event is that your patrons need to be treated fairly, and that is the key to a strongly attended event year after year.
  • How does my group start the process of hosting a festival/carnival as a fundraiser?
    Check with your local community/city/village to find out what laws, rules or ordinances apply to outdoor amusements/events, lead time needed for application processes and what is needed in order to obtain the necessary permits for operation. Often times, Not for Profit groups maybe exempt from these fees. Find a Great location on Hard Surface (preferable) and Obtain permission In Writing from the Property Owner. Contact your amusement provider and provide them with a choice of dates. Often times your first choice of a date will Not be available, so have options and try to be flexible. If you are planning to have an event within the City of Chicago, You Must contact your local Alderman and ask for his/her support of the event. This is key to getting your event off the ground in the city. Visit for information specific to hosting an event within the City of Chicago.

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